Name: ght Version: Synopsis: Trivial routines for inspecting git repositories Description: This is a bunch of trivial routines for inspecting git repositories. It is in no way useful beyond that. License: GPL License-file: GPL-2 Author: Conrad Parker Maintainer: Conrad Parker Stability: experimental Category: Development Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple flag splitBase description: Use the split-up base package. ------------------------------------------------------------ library if flag(splitBase) build-depends: base >= 3 && < 6 else build-depends: base < 3 Build-Depends: data-default, bytestring, binary, SHA, old-locale, time, iteratee, iteratee-compress >= && < 0.4, mmap, storable-endian Exposed-Modules: Git.Blob Git.Commit Git.Pack Git.PackIndex Git.Path Git.SHA ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ght tool -- Executable ght Main-Is: ght.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: ., tools if flag(splitBase) build-depends: base >= 3 && < 6 else build-depends: base < 3 Build-Depends: bytestring, data-default, directory, filepath, mtl >= && < 3, SHA, ui-command, unix, zlib ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Git repo -- source-repository head type: git location: git://