C-docs-url Gtk https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable # The introspection annotation marks the parameters as # (out caller-allocates), but it is just a pointer to a GValue. set-attr Gtk/TreeModelFilterModifyFunc/@parameters/value direction in set-attr Gtk/TreeModelFilterModifyFunc/@parameters/value caller-allocates 0 # The introspection annotation marks the parameters as # (inout transfer=full), but it is just a pointer to a GtkTreeIter. set-attr Gtk/TreeStore/remove/@parameters/iter direction in set-attr Gtk/TreeStore/remove/@parameters/iter transfer-ownership none # The introspection annotation marks the parameters as # (inout transfer=full), but it is just a pointer to a GtkTreeIter. set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_next/@parameters/iter direction in set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_next/@parameters/iter transfer-ownership none # The introspection annotation marks the parameters as # (inout transfer=full), but it is just a pointer to a GtkTreeIter. set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_previous/@parameters/iter direction in set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_previous/@parameters/iter transfer-ownership none # The introspection annotation marks the parameters as # (out caller-allocates), but it is just a pointer to a GtkTreeIter. set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_nth_child/@parameters/iter direction in set-attr Gtk/TreeModel/iter_nth_child/@parameters/iter caller-allocates 0 # It is useful to expose these class structs when deriving new types set-attr Gtk/WidgetClass haskell-gi-force-visible 1 set-attr Gtk/ContainerClass haskell-gi-force-visible 1