-- Copyright (c) 2002 John Meacham (john@foo.net) -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -- the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -- TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -- SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- | General text formatting routines, similar to C printf-style formatting. -- -- > General pattern format -- > '%' '%' output literal '%' -- > '%' flags width '.' precision '\'' string '\'' always print string as is. -- > '%' flags width '.' precision formatChar passed to class instance. -- > '%' '(' sub1, sub2, ... ')' flags width '.' precision formatChar subpatterns -- -- > Flags is zero or more of the following -- > ' ' a blank should be left before positive numbers -- > '#' value should be printed in alternate form -- > '0' value should be zero padded -- > '-' value should be left adjusted -- > '+' value should always have a sign -- > '\'' numerical values should be grouped -- -- > formatChar is a character affecting formatting -- > '/' always format as if by the following translation -- > fmt "%fx.yv" [fa x] -> fmt "%fx.ys" [fa (show x)] -- > 'l' format as list -- > 's' print list compactly, similar to %(%c)l -- > 'x' hexadecimal -- > 'i' integral -- > 'b' binary -- > 'o' octal -- > 'c' print compactly, as is used in 's' module Format( -- * The Format class Format(..), -- * Functions -- ** Formatting routines fmt, fmtS, fmtSs, errorf, -- ** Arguments fa, fS, fi, fs, ff, -- * Internals, useful for creating instances of Format Pattern(..), formatIntegral, formatString, formatShow, testFormat ) where import Char(isDigit,ord) import List(intersperse) -- | the type of patterns data Pattern = Pattern { patternSub :: [String], -- ^ subpatterns patternFlags :: [Char], patternWidth :: Maybe Int, patternPrecision :: Maybe Int, patternChar :: Char } pattern :: Pattern pattern = Pattern { patternSub = [], patternFlags = [], patternWidth = Nothing, patternPrecision = Nothing, patternChar = '/' } type F = Pattern -> String -- | class for use with 'fa' class Show a => Format a where format :: a -> Pattern -> String format = formatShow -- | format anything fa :: (Format a) => a -> F fa x p | patternChar p == '/' = formatShow x p fa x p = format x p -- | format showable fS :: (Show a) => a -> F fS x = fs (show x) -- | format integer. specialization of 'fa', useful to resolve ambiguity. fi :: Int -> F fi = fa -- | format string. specialization of 'fa', useful to resolve ambiguity. fs :: String -> F fs = fa -- | format float. specialization of 'fa', useful to resolve ambiguity. ff :: Float -> F ff = fa -- | main formatting routine. -- @fmt \"%s has %i pets\" [fa \"John\", fi 3]@ fmt :: String -> [F] -> String fmt ('%':'%':xs) fs = '%':fmt xs fs fmt ('%':xs) (f:fs) = case xs5 of ('\'':cs) -> let (a,b) = gs "" cs in formatString a bp ++ fmt b fs (c:cs) -> f (bp {patternChar = c}) ++ fmt cs fs [] -> [] where bp = pattern {patternSub = ss, patternFlags = flags, patternWidth = w, patternPrecision = p} (flags,xs2) = span (`elem` "# 0-+'") xs (w,xs3) = grabNum xs2 (p,xs4) = case xs3 of ('.':xs) -> grabNum xs xs -> (Nothing, xs) (ss,xs5) = case xs4 of ('(':xs) -> let (u,v) = span (/= ')') xs in ([u],tail v) xs -> ([],xs) grabNum xs = let (u,v) = span isDigit xs in if null u then (Nothing,v) else (Just (read u),v) gs x ('\'':'\'':cs) = gs ('\'':x) cs gs x ('\'':cs) = (reverse x,cs) gs x (c:cs) = gs (c:x) cs gs x [] = (reverse x,[]) fmt (x:xs) fs = x:fmt xs fs fmt "" _ = "" -- | format a single string fmtS :: String -> String -> String fmtS f x = fmt f [fs x] -- | format a set of strings fmtSs :: String -> [String] -> String fmtSs f xs = fmt f (map fs xs) -- | throws an error created by format errorf :: String -> [F] -> a errorf s fs = error $ fmt s fs putBase :: Int -> Integer -> String putBase base x = if null v then "0" else v where v = reverse (foo x) hex = "0123456789abcdef" foo 0 = "" foo x = let (u,v) = x `divMod` (toInteger base) in (hex !! fromIntegral v) : foo u childFmt :: Pattern -> [F] -> String childFmt (Pattern {patternSub = [s]}) = fmt s childFmt _ = fmt "%/" instance Format Float instance Format () instance Format Int where format = formatIntegral instance Format Integer where format = formatIntegral instance (Format a, Format b) => Format (a,b) where format (x,y) p | patternChar p == 't' = format x p ++ format y p format x p = formatShow x p instance Format a => Format [a] where format xs p | ( '#' `elem` patternFlags p) && patternChar p == 's' = "\"" ++ formatString (concatMap (flip format $ pattern {patternChar = 'c'}) xs) p ++ "\"" format xs p | patternChar p == 's' = formatString ( concatMap (flip format $ pattern {patternChar = 'c'}) xs ) p format xs p | ( '#' `elem` patternFlags p) && patternChar p == 'l' = "[" ++ concat (intersperse ", " (map (\x -> childFmt p [fa x]) xs)) ++ "]" format xs p | patternChar p == 'l' = ( concat (map (\x -> childFmt p [fa x]) xs)) format xs p = formatShow xs p instance Format a => Format (Maybe a) where format (Just x) p = childFmt p [fa x] format Nothing p = "" instance Format Char where format x p | patternChar p == 'c' = x:[] format x p | patternChar p `elem` integralChars = formatIntegral (ord x) p format x p = formatShow x p --format x _ = show x instance (Format a,Format b) => Format (Either a b) where format (Left x) p | ( '#' `elem` patternFlags p) = "Left " ++ childFmt p [fa x] format (Right x) p | ( '#' `elem` patternFlags p) = "Right " ++ childFmt p [fa x] format (Left x) p = childFmt p [fa x] format (Right x) p = childFmt p [fa x] instance Format Bool where format True p | patternChar p == 'b' = "true" format False p | patternChar p == 'b' = "false" format v p = formatShow v p formatShow :: Show a => a -> Pattern -> String formatShow x = formatString (show x) integralChars = "xboiu" formatIntegral :: Integral n => n -> Pattern -> String formatIntegral v p@(Pattern {patternChar = 'x'}) = integralFmt p v 16 formatIntegral v p@(Pattern {patternChar = 'b'}) = integralFmt p v 2 formatIntegral v p@(Pattern {patternChar = 'o'}) = integralFmt p v 8 formatIntegral v p@(Pattern {patternChar = 'i'}) = integralFmt p v 10 formatIntegral v p@(Pattern {patternChar = 'u'}) = integralFmt p v 10 formatIntegral v p = formatShow v p integralFmt p v base = pre ++ val where pos = if ' ' `elem` patternFlags p then " " else if '+' `elem` patternFlags p then "+" else "" pre = if v < 0 then "-" else pos val = putBase base (abs $ toInteger v) formatString :: String -> Pattern -> String formatString s p@(Pattern {patternPrecision = Just x }) = formatString (take x s) (p {patternPrecision = Nothing}) formatString s (Pattern {patternWidth = Just w }) | length s >= w = s formatString s (Pattern {patternFlags = pf, patternWidth = Just w} ) = if '-' `elem` pf then s ++ e else e ++ s where e = replicate (w - length s) ' ' formatString s _ = s {- fmtStr :: Bool -> Int -> String -> String fmtStr _ 0 s = s fmtStr False n s = take (abs n) s fmtStr True n s | length s > (abs n) = take (abs n) s fmtStr True n s | n > 0 = replicate (n - length s) ' ' ++ s fmtStr True n s | n < 0 = s ++ replicate ((negate n) - length s) ' ' -} ------------ -- test case ------------ concatInter p xs = concat (intersperse p xs) nums :: [Integer] nums = [ 0, 878987, -2830, 77, 0xabcdef] twords = ["foo", "a", "fuzz"] fmts = ["%8i", "%-+8i", "%b", "%o", "%x"] tfmt :: String -> [F] -> String tfmt f v = show (fmt f v) ++ "\t\t<- fmt \"" ++ f ++ "\" [" ++ fmt (concatInter ", " (replicate (length v) "%v")) v ++ "]" where fmtEsc ('%':xs) = '%':'%':fmtEsc xs fmtEsc (x:xs) = x:fmtEsc xs fmtEsc "" = "" fmtsAp x = tfmt (unwords fmts) (replicate (length fmts) (fa x)) where --v = map (\(fe, f) -> "(" ++ fe ++ " " ++ f ++ ")") $ zip (map fmtEsc fmts) fmts fmtEsc ('%':xs) = '%':'%':fmtEsc xs fmtEsc (x:xs) = x:fmtEsc xs fmtEsc "" = "" testFormat = do putStr $ unlines (map fmtsAp nums) --putStr $ unlines $ map (\x -> fmt "*%s*" [fa x]) [(f,fmt f [fs x]) | f <- ["%8s","%-8s","%s"], x <- twords] putStr $ unlines $ [tfmt f [fa x] | f <- ["%8s","%-8s","%s", "%#s", "%2.2s", "%l", "%#l", "%#(chr 0x%x)l", "%(-)l"], x <- twords]