Due to popular demand, git-annex can now be used with bare repositories. So, for example, you can stash a file away in the origin: `git annex move mybigfile --to origin` Of course, for that to work, the bare repository has to be on a system with [[git-annex-shell]] installed. If "origin" is on GitWeb, you still can't use git-annex to store stuff there. Known to work ok: * `git annex move --to` and `--from`, when pointed at a bare repository. * `git annex copy` ditto. * `git annex drop` can check that a bare repository has a copy of data that is being dropped. * `git annex get` can transfer data from a bare repository. * Most other stuff (ie, init, describe, trust, etc.) There are a few caveats to keep in mind when using bare repositories: * A few subcommands, like `unused` cannot be run in a bare repository. Those subcommands will refuse to do anything.