[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkjvjLHW9Omza7x1VEzIFQ8Z5honhRB90I" nickname="Asheesh" subject="Duplication of the filenames is what I am concerned about" date="2011-04-29T11:48:22Z" content=""" For what it's worth, yes, I want to actually forget I ever had the same file in the filesystem with a duplicated name. I'm not just aiming to clean up the disk's space usage; I'm also aiming to clean things up so that navigating the filesystem is easier. I can write my own script to do that based on the symlinks' target (and I wrote something along those lines), but I still think it'd be nicer if git-annex supported this use case. Perhaps:
git annex drop --by-contents
could let me remove a file from git-annex if the contents are available through a different name. (Right now, \"git annex drop\" requires the name *and* contents match.) -- Asheesh. """]]