[[!comment format=mdwn username="ssqq" ip="" subject="Still a problem on 0.20110523" date="2011-06-02T20:31:55Z" content=""" Hi, (I'm new to git and git annex, so please forgive any mistakes I make...) My repo is messed up right now. The fact that I copied the repo with rsync -a back and forth from a case insensitive filesystem to a case sensitive one, probably didn't help. I believe the annexed files in .git/annex/objects/ are still using a mixed case directory hashing scheme. That's the problem I'm having. The symlinks point to the wrong case and are now broken. I don't think the latest versions of git-annex changed that (it only changed the hashing under .git-annex, right?). Even if I clean up my repo, I think I'm still going to have a problem because I have one repo on an OS X case insensitive filesystem and my other repos on case sensitive Linux filesystems. Potentially the directory name under .git/annex/objects will have a different case. Then the symlink might have a different case than my Linux FS. Does git-annex track changes in git by the contents of the symlink? In which case the case difference would show up as a change even though there is no change? Is it possible to change the directory hashing scheme under .git/annex/objects to use lowercase names? """]]