This special remote type stores file contents in a bucket in Amazon S3 or a similar service.

See using Amazon S3 and Internet Archive via S3 for usage examples.


The standard environment variables ANNEX_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ANNEX_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are used to supply login credentials for Amazon. When encryption is enabled, they are stored in encrypted form by git annex initremote, so you do not need to keep the environment variables set after the initial initalization of the remote.

A number of parameters can be passed to git annex initremote to configure the S3 remote.

  • encryption - Required. Either "none" to disable encryption (not recommended), or a value that can be looked up (using gpg -k) to find a gpg encryption key that will be given access to the remote. Note that additional gpg keys can be given access to a remote by rerunning initremote with the new key id. See encryption.

  • datacenter - Defaults to "US". Other values include "EU", "us-west-1", and "ap-southeast-1".

  • storageclass - Default is "STANDARD". If you have configured git-annex to preserve multiple copies, consider setting this to "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" to save money.

  • host and port - Specify in order to use a different, S3 compatable service.

  • bucket - S3 requires that buckets have a globally unique name, so by default, a bucket name is chosen based on the remote name and UUID. This can be specified to pick a bucket name.

  • x-amz-* are passed through as http headers when storing keys in S3.

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