git-annex 3.20110928 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * --in can be used to make git-annex only operate on files believed to be present in a given repository. * Arbitrarily complex expressions can be built to limit the files git-annex operates on, by combining the options --not --and --or -( and -) Example: git annex get --exclude '*.mp3' --and --not -( --in usbdrive --or --in archive -) * --copies=N can be used to make git-annex only operate on files with the specified number of copies. (And --not --copies=N for the inverse.) * find: Rather than only showing files whose contents are present, when used with --exclude --copies or --in, displays all files that match the specified conditions. * Note that this is a behavior change for git-annex find! Old behavior can be gotten by using: git-annex find --in . * status: Massively sped up; remove --fast mode. * unused: File contents used by branches and tags are no longer considered unused, even when not used by the current branch. This is the final piece of the puzzle needed for git-annex to to play nicely with branches."""]]