[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://peter-simons.myopenid.com/" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2012-03-05T21:10:47Z" content=""" Unfortunately, the patch you mentioned doesn't seem to address the problem. I'm getting the following compile error: Data/Digest/SHA2.hs:111:4: Could not deduce (Show a) arising from a use of `showHex' from the context (Integral a) bound by the instance declaration at Data/Digest/SHA2.hs:109:10-39 Possible fix: add (Show a) to the context of the instance declaration In the first argument of `(.)', namely `(showHex a)' In the expression: (showHex a) . (' ' :) . (showHex b) . (' ' :) . (showHex c) . (' ' :) . (showHex d) . (' ' :) . (showHex e) . (' ' :) . (showHex f) . (' ' :) . (showHex g) . (' ' :) . (showHex h) In an equation for `showsPrec': showsPrec _ (Hash8 a b c d e f g h) = (showHex a) . (' ' :) . (showHex b) . (' ' :) . (showHex c) . (' ' :) . (showHex d) . (' ' :) . (showHex e) . (' ' :) . (showHex f) . (' ' :) . (showHex g) . (' ' :) . (showHex h) """]]