[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkSq2FDpK2n66QRUxtqqdbyDuwgbQmUWus" nickname="Jimmy" subject="comment 17" date="2011-02-13T10:46:54Z" content=""" Yeap, that did the trick. I just tested a few separate OSX 10.6.6 systems and the tests are better behaved now, only 3 failures now. So the tests behave better (at least we don't get resource fork errors any more) * after the commit c319a3 without modifying the system limits (of 266 procs per user) * without the commit c319a3 and when I increase the system process limits to as much as OSX allows On all the systems I tested on, I'm down to 3 failures now.
### Failure in: 1:blackbox:3:git-annex unannex:1:with content
foo is not a symlink
### Failure in: 1:blackbox:4:git-annex drop:0:no remotes
drop wrongly succeeded with no known copy of file
Cases: 30  Tried: 20  Errors: 0  Failures: 2add foo ok
Cases: 30  Tried: 24  Errors: 0  Failures: 2  Only 1 of 2 trustworthy copies of foo exist.
  Back it up with git-annex copy.
  Only 1 of 2 trustworthy copies of sha1foo exist.
  Back it up with git-annex copy.
  Bad file size; moved to /Users/jtang/develop/git-annex/.t/tmprepo/.git/annex/bad/WORM:1297594011:20:foo
  Bad file content; moved to /Users/jtang/develop/git-annex/.t/tmprepo/.git/annex/bad/SHA1:ee80d2cec57a3810db83b80e1b320df3a3721ffa
### Failure in: 1:blackbox:12:git-annex fsck:1
fsck failed to fail with content only available in untrusted (current) repository
Cases: 30  Tried: 26  Errors: 0  Failures: 3  Only 1 of 2 trustworthy copies of foo exist.
  Back it up with git-annex copy.
  The following untrusted locations may also have copies: 
  	90d63906-375e-11e0-8867-abb8a6368269  -- test repo
  Only 1 of 2 trustworthy copies of sha1foo exist.
  Back it up with git-annex copy.
  The following untrusted locations may also have copies: 
  	90d63906-375e-11e0-8867-abb8a6368269  -- test repo
Cases: 30  Tried: 30  Errors: 0  Failures: 3
It's the same set of failures across all the OSX systems that I have tested on. Now I just need to figure out why there are still these three failures. """]]