[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkSq2FDpK2n66QRUxtqqdbyDuwgbQmUWus" nickname="Jimmy" subject="maybe killed another osx bug in the test." date="2011-02-13T15:12:10Z" content=""" I think I have figured out why ### Failure in: 1:blackbox:3:git-annex unannex:1:with content foo is not a symlink It goes back to the this piece of code (in test.hs) copyrepo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath copyrepo old new = do cleanup new ensuretmpdir Utility.boolSystem \"cp\" [\"-pr\", old, new] @? \"cp -pr failed\" It seems that on OSX it does not preserve the symbolic link information, basically cp is not gnu cp on OSX, doing a \"cp -a SOURCE DEST\" seem's to the right thing on OSX. I tried it out on my archlinux workstation by replacing *-pr* with just *-a* and all the tests passed on archlinux. I'm not sure what the implications would be with changing the test with changing the cp command. """]]