[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joey.kitenet.net/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 1" date="2011-02-14T22:08:54Z" content=""" Yes, there is value in layering something over git-annex to use a policy to choose what goes where. I use [mr](http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/mr/) to update and manage all my repositories, and since mr can be made to run arbitrary commands when doing eg, an update, I use its config file as such a policy layer. For example, my podcasts are pulled into my sound repository in a subdirectory; boxes that consume podcasts run \"git pull; git annex get podcasts --exclude=\"*/out/*\"; git annex drop podcasts/*/out\". I move podcasts to \"out\" directories once done with them (I have yet to teach mpd to do that for me..), and the next time I run \"mr update\" to update everything, it pulls down new ones and removes old ones. I don't see any obstacle to doing what you want. May be that you'd need better querying facilities in git-annex (so the policy layer can know what is available where), or finer control (--exclude is a good enough hammer for me, but maybe not for you). """]]