[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnBJ6Dv1glxzzi4qIzGFNa6F-mfHIvv9Ck" nickname="Jim" subject="comment 3" date="2011-10-17T19:50:06Z" content=""" No extra remotes (that I'm aware of); that output was only edited to change hostnames. On all three hosts, \"git push origin\" and \"git pull origin\" say everything is up to date. I'm using git-annex 3.20111011 on all hosts (although some were running 3.20110928 when I created the repositories). Regarding the multiple links, I've put a copy of the dot file [here](http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/map.dot). It shows psychosis in three separate subgraphs, that are just getting rendered together as one, if that helps clarify anything. Wait, I just realized you said \"the git-annex branch\". My origin only has \"master\". Do you mean the one specifically named \"git-annex\"? I thought that was something that gets managed automatically, or is it something I need to manually check out and deal with? Any other info I could provide? """]]