[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnBJ6Dv1glxzzi4qIzGFNa6F-mfHIvv9Ck" nickname="Jim" subject="comment 5" date="2011-10-18T04:59:13Z" content=""" I think: * The first extra edge is because bucket had \"ssh://psychosis.foo.com/vid/\", while bacon had \"ssh://psychosis.foo.com/vid\" with no trailing slash. That got lost in the hostname/path editing I did, sorry. Maybe those should be considered matching? * The second extra edge is because, when running \"git annex map\" from psychosis, it doesn't recognize the remote's remote URL as pointing back to itself. For the second case, after the \"spurious\" SSH, it could still recognize that the repositories are the same by the duplicated annex uuid, which currently shows up in `map.dot` twice. I wonder what it would take to avoid the spurious SSH -- maybe some config that lists \"alternate\" URLs that should be considered the same as the current repository? Or actually list URLs in uuid.log? Fortunately, I think this only affects the map, so it's not a big problem. """]]