[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnXybLxkPMYpP3yw4b_I6IdC3cKTD-xEdU" nickname="Matt" subject="comment 3" date="2011-12-21T16:06:25Z" content=""" hmmmm - I'm still not sure I get this. If I'm using a whole bunch of distributed annexs with no central repo, then I can not do a `git pull remote` without either specifying the branch to use or changing default tracked remote via `git branch --set-upstream`. The former like you note doesn't pull the git-annex branch down the latter only works one-at-a-time. The docs read to me as though I ought to be able to do a `git pull remote ; git annex get .` using anyone of my distributed annexs. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the above correct? """]]