[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawncBlzaDI248OZGjKQMXrLVQIx4XrZrzFo" nickname="Perttu" subject="comment 2" date="2011-09-30T11:55:35Z" content=""" Thanks for the quick reply :) I wanted to look up the UUID of the current repo so that I can find out which repo is alive from the collection of repos with the same name. I could have looked for it in .git/config though, since it's pretty obvious. I just looked into the git-annex branch and didn't find it there. Thanks for the tip about using \".\". By the way, could there be some kind of warning about using non-unique names for repos? That would make this scenario less likely. Or maybe that is a bad idea given the decentralized nature of git. By the way, do the trust settings propagate to other repos? If I mark some UUID as untrusted on one computer does it become globally untrusted? """]]