[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joey.kitenet.net/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 1" date="2011-12-09T22:56:11Z" content=""" First, you need a bare git repository that you can push to, and pull from. This simplifies most git workflow. Secondly, I use [mr](http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/mr/), with this in `.mrconfig`:
lib =
        annexupdate() {
                git commit -a -m update || true
                git pull \"$@\"
                git annex merge
                git push || true

update = annexupdate
update = annexupdate
Which makes \"mr update\" in repositories where I rarely care about git details take care of syncing my changes. I also make \"mr update\" do a \"git annex get\" of some files in some repositories that I want to always populate. git-annex and mr go well together. :) Perhaps my annexupdate above should be available as \"git annex sync\"? """]]