[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkptNW1PzrVjYlJWP_9e499uH0mjnBV6GQ" nickname="Christian" subject="comment 4" date="2011-04-08T07:54:37Z" content=""" And something else i've done is, that i symlinked the video/ directory from the media annex to the normal raid annex ln -s ~/media/annex/video ~/annex And it's working out great. ~annex $ git annex whereis video/series/episode1.avi whereis video/series/episode1.avi(1 copy) f210b45a-60d3-11e0-b593-3318d96f2520 -- Trantor - Media ok I really like this, perhaps it is a good idea to store all log files in every repo, but maybe there is a possibilitiy to to pack multiple log files into one single file, where not only the time, the present bit and the annex-repository is stored, but also the file key. I don't know if this format would also be merged correctly by the union merge driver. """]]