[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawl9sYlePmv1xK-VvjBdN-5doOa_Xw-jH4U" nickname="Richard" subject="comment 1" date="2011-04-17T23:46:37Z" content=""" --to and --from seem to have different semantics than --source and --destination. Subtle, but still different. That being said, I am not sure --from and --to are needed at all. Calling the local repo . and all remotes by their name, they are arguably redundant and removing them would make the syntax a lot prettier; mv and cp don't need them, either. I am not sure changing syntax at this point is considered good style though personally, I wouldn't mind adapting and would actually prefer it over using --to and --from. -v and -q would be nice. Richard """]]