[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkEUhIcw37X2Kh-dznSMIb9Vgcq0frfdWs" nickname="Ethan" subject="GHC 7" date="2012-03-28T19:06:51Z" content=""" The Haskell Platform installer for OSX uses GHC 7.0.4, which doesn't seem able to support the current version of git-annex. Cabal throws a very cryptic error about not being able to use the proper base package. I was able to install it by 1. cloning the repo 2. merging the ghc7.0 branch 3. resolving merge conflicts in git-annex.cabal 4. cabal install git-annex.cabal (Note I also tried this with homebrew and had similar results) """]]