[[!comment format=mdwn username="bremner" ip="" subject="gitolite gets different paths for different urls" date="2011-12-31T01:50:49Z" content=""" I guess there is some path rewriting going in in gitolite proper because if try a url of the form ssh://git@localhost/testing, then it still works with gitolite, but fails with the ADC because the repo is passed as /testing:
Running: ssh [\"git@host\",\"git-annex-shell 'configlist' '/recommend'\"]
Running: ssh [\"git@host\",\"git-annex-shell 'configlist' '/recommend'\"]
What I have to ask Sitaram and or find in the docs is if this is a bug or a feature in gitolite. I can see how the leading slash would get swallowed up by this line
$repo = \"'$REPO_BASE/$repo.git'\"
in gl-auth-command, but I guess that isn't the whole story. """]]