[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkaT0B6s9jQuMzQUYRVBgWqtO7BhT_ZSaE" nickname="Fernando Seabra" subject="comment 7" date="2012-05-27T23:35:17Z" content=""" Hi, It was already installed in PATH. In fact, I can call it from the command line, and it is recognized (e.g. calling 'git-annex-shell' gives me 'git-annex-shell: bad parameters'). However, every time I do a 'git annex whereis' or 'git annex get file --from repo', it gives me the following error: bash: git-annex-shell: command not found Command ssh [\"-S\",\"/Users/username/annex/.git/annex/ssh/username@example.edu\",\"-o\",\"ControlMaster=auto\",\"-o\",\"ControlPersist=yes\",\"username@example.edu\",\"git-annex-shell 'configlist' '/~/annex'\"] failed; exit code 127 I tried to run this ssh command, but it gives me the same 'command not found' error. It seems that the problem is with the ssh repo? The ssh repo has a git-annex-shell working and installed in PATH. """]]