b0VIM 7.3N{O|3Cjoeygnu~joey/src/git-annex/make-sdist.shutf-8 3210#"! Utpad k . Y!  k cabal unpack $sdist_dir.tar.gzrm -rf $sdist_dir# It's picky about tar longlinks etc.# Check that tarball can be unpacked by cabal.tar -caf $sdist_dir.tar.gz $sdist_dircd dist| xargs cp --parents --target-directory dist/$sdist_dir| perl -ne "print unless length >= 100 - length q{$sdist_dir}" \ -or -not -name \\*.orig -not -type d -print \find . \( -name .git -or -name dist -or -name cabal-dev \) -prune \mkdir --parents dist/$sdist_dirsdist_dir=git-annex-$(grep '^Version:' git-annex.cabal | sed -re 's/Version: *//')# Create target directory# in .cabal.# Workaround for `cabal sdist` requiring all included files to be listed##!/bin/bash