[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawk5cj-itfFHq_yhJHdzk3QOPp-PNW_MjPU" nickname="Michael" subject="+1 Cygwin" date="2012-05-23T19:30:21Z" content=""" Windows support is a must. In my experience, binary file means proprietary editor, which means Windows. Unfortunately, there's not much overlap between people who use graphical editors in Windows all day vs. people who are willing to tolerate Cygwin's setup.exe, compile a Haskell program, learn git and git-annex's 90-odd subcommands, and use a mintty terminal to manage their repository, especially now that there's a sexy GitHub app for Windows. That aside, I think Windows-based content producers are still *the* audience for git-annex. First Windows support, then a GUI, then the world. """]]