Unexpectedly managed a mostly productive day today. Went ahead with making the assistant run separate `git-annex` processes for transfers. This will currently fail if git-annex is not installed in PATH. (Deferred dealing with that.) To stop a transfer, the webapp needs to signal not just the git-annex process, but all its children. I'm using process groups for this, which is working, but I'm not extremely happy with. Anyway, the webapp's UI can now be used for stopping transfers, and it wasn't far from there to also implementing pausing of transfers. Pausing a transfer is actually the same as stopping it, except a special signal is sent to the transfer control thread, which keeps running, despite the git-annex process having been killed, waits for a special resume signal, and restarts the transfer. This way a paused transfer continues to occupy a transfer slot, which prevents other queued transfers from running. This seems to be the behavior that makes sense. Still need to wire up the webapp's button for starting a transfer. For a paused transfer, that will just need to resume it. I have not decided what the button should do when used on a transfer that is queued but not running yet. Maybe it forces it to run even if all transfer slots are already in use? Maybe it stops one of the currently running transfers to free up a slot?