Spent a lot of time this weekend thinking about/stuck on the [[cloud]] notification problem. Currently IRC is looking like the best way for repositories to notify one-another when changes are made, but I'm not sure about using that, and not ready to start on it. Instead, laid some groundwork for [[transfer_control]] today. Added some simple commands to manage groups of repositories, and find files that are present in repositories in a group. I'm not completely happy with the syntax for that, and need to think up some good syntax to specify files that are present in *all* repositories in a group. The plan is to have the assistant automatically guess at groups to put new repositories it makes in (it should be able to make good guesses), as well as have an interface to change them, and an interface to configure transfer control using these groups (and other ways of matching files). And, probably, some canned transfer control recipes for common setups. --- Collected up the past week's work and made a release today. I'm probably back to making regular releases every week or two.