[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmBUR4O9mofxVbpb8JV9mEbVfIYv670uJo" nickname="Justin" subject="comment 6" date="2012-08-14T14:10:40Z" content=""" Hans, You are misunderstanding how git-annex encryption works. The \"untrusted host\" and the \"local machine\" are not the same machine. git-annex only transfers pre-encrypted files to the \"untrusted host\". You should setup a git-annex encrypted remote and watch how it works so you can see for yourself that it is not insecure. Your solution does not provide better security, it accomplishes the same thing as git-annex in a more complicated way. In addition, since you are mounting the image from the client your solution will not work with multiple clients. """]]