[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://dieter-be.myopenid.com/" nickname="dieter" subject="symlinks" date="2011-04-03T20:30:21Z" content=""" > (Sadly, it cannot create a symlink, as git still wants to write the file afterwards. > So the nice current behavior of unavailable files being clearly missing due to dangling symlinks, would be lost when using smudge/clean filters. (Contact git developers to get an interface to do this?) Have you checked what the smudge filter sees when the input is a symlink? Because git supports tracking symlinks, so it should also support pushing symlinks through a smudge filter, right? Either way: yes, contact the git devs, one can only ask and hope. And if you can demonstrate the awesomeness of git-annex they might get more 1interested :) """]]