## What steps will reproduce the problem? Add new data to a repository with an S3 special remote. Monitor the repository with the web app. ## What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expect a changing status bar and percentage. Instead I see no changes when an upload becomes active. ## What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 3.20130102 on Arch 64-bit. ## Please provide any additional information below. When uploading local data to an S3 remote, I see no progress bars. The progress bar area on active uploads stays the same grey as the bar on queued uploads. The status does not change from "0% of...". The uploads are completing, but this makes it very difficult to judge their activity. The only remotes I currently have setup are S3 special remotes, so I cannot say whether progress bars are working for uploads to other remote types.