### What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Have a remote that uses annex-ssh-options to specify an sshkey which is needed to invoke git-annex-shell on that remote. 2. Run git-annex map. ### What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expect to see a map without any errors complaining of commands not recognized. Instead I see: greg@x200s:~/Pictures/Photos$ git-annex map map /home/greg/Pictures/Photos ok map 60justin (sshing...) ok map rose (sshing...) fatal: unrecognized command 'cd '/home/greg/Media/Pictures/Photos/' && git config --null --list' git-annex-shell: git-shell failed relevant part of .git/config: [remote "rose"] url = greg@rose.makesad.us:/home/greg/Media/Pictures/Photos/ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/rose/* annex-ssh-options = "-i /home/greg/.ssh/annex.x200s_rsa" annex-trustlevel = trusted annex-uuid = c0e4106e-2631-11e2-9749-1bfa37a61069 ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? git-annex version: 3.20121017 local repository version: 3 default repository version: 3 supported repository versions: 3 upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2