git-annex 3.20130114 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Now handles the case where a file that's being transferred to a remote is modified in place, which direct mode allows. When this happens, the transfer now fails, rather than allow possibly corrupt data into the remote. * fsck: Better checking of file content in direct mode. * drop: Suggest using git annex move when numcopies prevents dropping a file. * webapp: Repo switcher filters out repos that do not exist any more (or are on a drive that's not mounted). * webapp: Use IP address, rather than localhost, since some systems may have configuration problems or other issues that prevent web browsers from connecting to the right localhost IP for the webapp. * webapp: Adjust longpoll code to work with recent versions of shakespeare-js. * assistant: Support new gvfs dbus names used in Gnome 3.6. * In direct mode, files with the same key are no longer hardlinked, as that would cause a surprising behavior if modifying one, where the other would also change. * webapp: Avoid illegal characters in hostname when creating S3 or Glacier remote. * assistant: Avoid committer crashing if a file is deleted at the wrong instant."""]]