git-annex can be used on Android, however you need to know your way around the command line to install and use it. (An Android app may be developed eventually.) ## prebuilt tarball Download the [prebuilt tarball]( Instructions below assume it was downloaded to `/sdcard/Download`, which is the default if you use the web browser for the download. To use this tarball, you need to install either [KBOX]( or [Terminal IDE]( (available in Google Play). This is both to get a shell console, as well as a location under `/data` where git-annex can be installed. Open the console app you installed, and enter this command: cd $(which sh)/..; tar xf /sdcard/Download/git-annex-android.tar.gz Now git-annex is installed, but to use it you need to enter a special shell environment: runshell Now you have git-annex, git, and some other utilities available, and can do everything in the [[walkthrough]] and more. ## building it yourself git-annex can be built for Android, with `make android`. You need installed first, and also have to `cabal install` all necessary dependencies. This is not yet an easy process. You also need to install git and all the utilities listed on [[fromscratch]].