[[!img /assistant/android/webapp.png alt="git-annex webapp on Android"]] I fixed what I thought was keeping the webapp from working on Android, but then it started segfaulting every time it was started. Eventually I determined this segfault happened whenever haskell code called `getaddrinfo`. I don't know why. This is particularly weird since I had a demo web server that used `getaddrinfo` working way back in [[day_201__real_Android_wrapup]]. Anyway, I worked around it by not using `getaddrinfo` on Android. Then I spent 3 hours stuck, because the webapp seemed to run, but nothing could connect to the port it was on. Was it a firewall? Was the Haskell threaded runtime's use of `accept()` broken? I went all the way down to the raw system calls, and back, only to finally notice I had `netstat` available on my Android. Which showed it was not listening to the port I thought it was! Seems that `ntohs` and `htons` are broken somehow. To get the screenshot, I fixed up the port manually. Have a build running that should work around the issue. Anyway, the webapp works on Android!