[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmRFKwny4rArBaz-36xTcsJYqKIgdDaw5Q" nickname="Andrew" subject="JABOF special remote" date="2013-01-19T08:34:32Z" content=""" Similar to a JABOD, this would be Just A Bunch Of Files. I already have a NAS with a file structure conducive to serving media to my TV. However, it's not capable (currently) of running git-annex locally. It would be great to be able to tell annex the path to a file there as a remote much like a web remote from \"git annex addurl\". That way I can safely drop all the files I took with me on my trip, while annex still verifies and counts the file on the NAS as a location. There are some interesting things to figure out for this to be efficient. For example, SHAs of the files. Maybe store that in a metadata file in the directory of the files? Or perhaps use the WORM backend by default? """]]