### Please describe the problem. Git annex can't use remotes with the type "file://" if the path contains spaces ### What steps will reproduce the problem? - Create one repository with a space in the path (and initialize annex in it) - Clone that repo to an other directory (and initialize annex also in that) - add a file to the first repository in the annex way - chdir to the second repository and try to get that file, it won't work (also after git pull or git sync pull) Check this typescripts for a more detailed description (thanks mhameed for that data) ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? I'm using debian testing (jessie) on a i386 machine. `git-annex` version: 4.20130521 (according to apt data and `git annex version`) `git-annex` build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus XMPP `git` version: ### Please provide any additional information below. I don't use git annex assistant nor the webapp