Earlier this week, I somehow lost a ton of files from my annex -- by switching on the command line from indirect to direct mode while the assistant was running, I think. I'm not sure. Anyway, by "lost" I mean "lost the symlinks to," because git-annex defaults to keeping content around till you tell it otherwise. So I still had the content in the repos on my two backup drives. All I needed was the symlinks back. But how to figure out exactly what I lost and get it back? I found that out here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953481/restore-a-deleted-file-in-a-git-repo Here's a magical formula you can use to find every single file deletion in the history of your repo: git log --diff-filter=D --summary That will give you every commit that deleted things, and what was deleted. To bring back all the files deleted in a given commit, where COMMITHASH is the commit hash, use this command: git checkout COMMITHASH^1 -- . to bring back only a specific file: git checkout COMMITHASH^1 -- path/to/file.txt to bring back only a subdirectory: git checkout COMMITHASH^1 -- sub/directory that will bring them back into the staging area. You can see which ones just reappeared by typing: git status then you can actually make the restore permanent by typing: git commit -m "I just resurrected some files"