### Please describe the problem. Launching the Git Annex app on Android, the shell just reads: [[!format sh """ [Terminal session finished] """]] Attempting to launch /data/data/ga.androidterm/runshell via the adb shell does also not work: [[!format sh """ /system/bin/sh: /data/data/ga.androidterm/runshell: not found """]] Listing the contents of that directory from the git annex terminal appears to confirm this: [[!format sh """ u0_a172@android:/data/data/ga.androidterm $ ls cache lib shared_prefs """]] Following the instructions for the similar issue here [[http://git-annex.branchable.com/Android/oldcomments/#comment-4c5a944c1288ddd46108969a4c664584]]: [[!format sh """ u0_a172@android:/ $ ls -ld /data/data/ga.androidterm drwxr-x--x u0_a172 u0_a172 2014-04-20 11:12 ga.androidterm """]] ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? version 5.20140413 of the Git Annex app (tested using the daily build and regular build). Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (GT-P5210) running Android 4.2.2 (without root access). > [[dup|done]] --[[Joey]]