### Please describe the problem. A special remote for Google cloud storage would appear to send the developer keys in the clear. Obviously the content itself can be secured with the encryption but sending the auth keys in the clear permits anybody listening (i.e. at a public WiFi access point) to gain r/w access to the user's GCS store. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? Setup a new special remote: git annex initremote gcs type=S3 chunk=2MiB encryption=none host=storage.googleapis.com bucket=gitannex ... git move --to=gcs blah Capture packets. Watch the developer keys go by in the headers. And in this case, see the content too because there's no encryption turned on. But I believe that I know how to fix this. I tried to persuade `git annex` to use a SSL connection but without encouraging results: git annex initremote gcs type=S3 chunk=2MiB port=443 host=storage.googleapis.com bucket=gitannex initremote gcs (checking bucket...) git-annex: ErrorClosed ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? Debian wheezy, git-annex version: 5.20141024~bpo70+1 ### Please provide any additional information below. > [[done]]; port=443 supported since 5.20141203. --[[Joey]]