### Please describe the problem. The "add" command silently ignores all files and directories with non-ascii characters. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? I created empty repository (git init, git annex init). I created some files with ascii and nonascii file names (hacky.txt, háčky.txt). git annex add . correctly adds only hacky.txt. git annex add "háčky.txt" does nothing. ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? git 1.9.0, git-annex installer from 2014-03-06 Windows XP and 7 with czech localization. CP1250 is used for czech characters on windows. ### Please provide any additional information below. $ ls hacky.txt h????ky.txt $ git annex add . add hacky.txt ok (Recording state in git...) $ git annex status D h├í─Źky.txt According to https://github.com/msysgit/msysgit/wiki/Git-for-Windows-Unicode-Support ls prints junk, but only to console. D:\anntest>git annex add "háčky.txt" --debug [2014-03-18 14:28:03 Central Europe Standard Time] read: git ["--git-dir=D:\\anntest\\.git","--work-tree=D:\\anntest","-c","core.bare=false","ls-files","--others","--exclude-standard","-z","--","h\225\269ky.txt"] [2014-03-18 14:28:03 Central Europe Standard Time] chat: git ["--git-dir=D:\\anntest\\.git","--work-tree=D:\\anntest","-c","core.bare=false","cat-file","--batch"] [2014-03-18 14:28:03 Central Europe Standard Time] read: git ["--git-dir=D:\\anntest\\.git","--work-tree=D:\\anntest","-c","core.bare=false","ls-files","--modified","-z","--","h\225\269ky.txt"] I can provide additional information, just tell me what you need. > [[fixed|done]], although this is not the end of encoding issues > on Windows. Updating [[todo/windows_support]] to discuss some other ones. > --[[Joey]]