I was up at the crack of dawn wrestling 100 pound batteries around for 3 hours and rewiring most of my battery bank, so today is a partial day... but a day with power, which is always nice. Did some design work on finally making transfers of files from direct mode repositories safe, even if a file is modified as it's being uploaded. This seems easily doable for special remotes; git to git repository transfers are harder, but I think I see how to do it without breaking backwards compatability. (An unresolved problem is that a temp file would be left behind when a transfer failed due to a file being changed. What would really be nice to do is to use that temp file as the rsync basis when transferring the new version of a file. Although this really goes beyond direct mode, and into [[deltas]] territory.) Made fsck work better in direct mode repositories. While it's expected for files to change at any time in direct mode, and so fsck cannot complain every time there's a checksum mismatch, it is possible for it to detect when a file does not *seem* to have changed, then check its checksum, and so detect disk corruption or other data problems. Also dealt with several bug reports. One really weird one involves `git cat-file` failing due to some kind of gpg signed data in the git-annex branch. I don't understand that at all yet.