Very productive & long day today, spent adding a new feature to the webapp: Internet Archive support! [[!img /assistant/iaitem.png]] git-annex already supported using via its S3 special remotes, so this is just a nice UI around that. How does it decide which files to publish on Well, the item has a unique name, which is based on the description field. Any files located in a directory with that name will be uploaded to that item. (This is done via a new preferred content expression I added.) So, you can have one repository with multiple IA items attached, and sort files between them however you like. I plan to make a screencast eventually demoing that. Another interesting use case, once the Android webapp is done, would be add a repository on the DCIM directory, set the repository to prefer all content, and *bam*, you have a phone or tablet that auto-publishes and archives every picture it takes. Another nice little feature added today is that whenever a file is uploaded to the Internet Archive, its public url is automatically recorded, same as if you'd ran `git annex addurl`. So any users who can clone your repository can download the files from, without needing any login or password info. This makes the Internet Archive a nice way to publish the large files associated with a public git repository.