One of my Windows fixes yesterday got the test suite close to sort of working on Windows, and I spent all day today pounding on it. Fixed numerous bugs, and worked around some weird Windows behaviors -- like recursively deleting a directory sometimes fails with a permission denied error about a file in it, and leaves behind an empty directory. (What!?) The most important bug I fixed caused CR to leak into files in the git-annex branch from Windows, during a union merge, which was not a good thing at all. At the end of the day, I only have 6 remaining failing test cases on Windows. Half of them are some problem where running `git annex sync` from the test suite stomps on PATH somehow and prevents xargs from working. The rest are probably real bugs in the directory (again something to do with recursive directory deletion, hmmm..), hook, and rsync special remotes on Windows. I'm punting on those 6 for now, they'll be skipped on Windows. Should be worth today's pain to know in the future when I break something that I've oh-so-painfully gotten working on Windows.