Hi, [ sorry for the wrong bugreport in the last version of this entry ] It seems as if I can only add my own file to the annex, even if I have group write permissions. Is that correct? Can that be circumvented other than copying/deleting the large file? Here is some demonstration: > git init > git config user.name dtr > git config user.email dtrn@dtrn.com > dd if/dev/zero of=test2.bin count=1000 > ll -rw-rw-r-- 1 dtr dtr 512000 Sep 16 2013 test2.bin > sudo chown someone test2.bin > ll -rw-rw-r-- 1 someone dtr 512000 Sep 16 2013 test2.bin > git annex init > git annex add test2.bin add test2.bin (checksum...) git-annex: /test-git-annex/.git/annex/objects/Fq/f6/SHA256-s512000--2d4da04b861bb9dbe77c871415931785a18138d6db035f1bbcd0cf8277c6fc23/SHA256-s512000--2d4da04b861bb9dbe77c871415931785a18138d6db035f1bbcd0cf8277c6fc23: setFileMode: permission denied (Operation not permitted) failed git-annex: add: 1 failed