Hello, I am on OS X, using version 5.20140613. I installed using brew. I have a really simple example where I'm trying to use local rsync to test transfer between two repos. It keeps asking me for a password over and over. I do not know what password it is. I'm literally doing just this: $ cd annex-tests $ mkdir target $ mkdir source $ cat > source/text hi this is a test $ cd source $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/me/Documents/annex-tests/source/.git/ $ git annex init init ok (Recording state in git...) $ git annex initremote rsync-login type=rsync rsyncurl=me@localhost:/Users/me/Documents/annex-tests/target encryption=none initremote rsync-login ok (Recording state in git...) $ git annex describe rsync-login "test rsync url with a login" describe rsync-login ok (Recording state in git...) $ git annex add text add text ok (Recording state in git...) $ git annex sync rsync-login --content commit ok copy text copy text (checking rsync-login...) Password: Password: Password: Password: Password: I try a blank password, I try my login password, I tried 'none' (the encryption type), I try everything.. no dice So right off the bat let me explain a few things. 1 - Why not use rsa keys? Because I was having the exact same problem and I wanted to make it even easier and use login/password 2 - Why not use the webapp since a few forum posts say you can set passwords in there? because my annex doesn't seem to recognize the command. $ git annex webapp git-annex: unknown command webapp 3 - I verified my rsync command/url appears ok by doing the following. The password for that command is as expected, it is my username password: $ cat > test2 hi test $ rsync test2 me@localhost:/Users/me/Documents/annex-tests/target Password: $ cat /Users/me/Documents/annex-tests/target/test2 hi test Any help will be appreciated!