[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmK0703vNSIQsP1mGf-4MAPnsBZiSc6yVo" nickname="Emre" subject="What am I missing?" date="2013-10-15T21:54:07Z" content=""" I've setup repositories on both my linux PC & android mini pc and added jabber account on both. They are both at my home network. They detected each other fine. But when it comes to syncing files, there's a message which says \"Unable to download files from your other devices\" with a button for \"add a cloud repository\". I don't need to add a cloud repository since both computers are at the same network? Or am I missing something in the architecture of git-annex that even to sync two local computers in the same LAN, annex would still need an external repo? (and if so, why would that be?) I'm not really willing to add an external repository as I intend to add large files and I don't want that they are first uploaded using a slow connection & then re-downloaded. What am I missing? """]]