[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkJafmCf-sg9_OM0pynFYM3AO4WCgJiaMI" nickname="Michele" subject="installing on fc19" date="2013-10-18T21:05:56Z" content=""" i share my experience in installing from source on fc19, I must admit these are useful only for haskell novices: should cabal complain about missing libffi.so.5 (as it happened to me), do yum install compat-libffi and you'll get the missing library (the shipping version with fc19 is libffi.so.6) also: in order for the git annex to be picked up globally or better to end up in the default path i had to: cabal install --global """]]