[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" subject="why md5sum?" date="2015-02-13T15:59:46Z" content=""" why the extra processing to generate the hashing directories? we already have a hash here, for example, `SHA256E-s8242375--5f82490990812ad3feabb02355750710a9d94283ab256d1c691c3bf8d7d9fbe3.ogg` has a loon `5f82490990812ad3feabb02355750710a9d94283ab256d1c691c3bf8d7d9fbe3` hash. Why not use the first characters of that? This is will not change for a give file, and has a higher chance of generating collisions (which is a good thing here, because we can reuse directories). In other words, why aren't the hashes of `SHA256E-s8242375--5f82490990812ad3feabb02355750710a9d94283ab256d1c691c3bf8d7d9fbe3.ogg` simply `5f8/249`? --[[anarcat]] """]]