[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawm_YXzEdPHzbSGVwtmTR7g1BqDtTnIBB5s" nickname="Matthias" subject="File immutability" date="2015-01-07T12:06:15Z" content=""" # setcap cap_linux_immutable+ep /usr/bin/git-annex After doing that, git-annex is able to make files immutable, so the additional directory is not needed any more. Even on file systems / in environments where that is not possible, in some situations file lookup speed is way more important than not being able to delete the target of a symlink. I have no idea how to code in Haskell, so if somebody else could add an appropriate always/never/only-when-necessary config option I'd be very happy, and my media server would not have any more hiccups when switching songs … """]]