git-annex 5.20150219 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * glacier: Detect when the glacier command in PATH is the wrong one, from boto, rather than from glacier-cli, and refuse to use it, since the boto program fails to fail when passed parameters it does not understand. * groupwanted: New command to set the groupwanted preferred content expression. * import: Support file matching options such as --exclude, --include, --smallerthan, --largerthan * The file matching options are now only accepted by commands that can actually use them, instead of by all commands. * import: Avoid checksumming file twice when run in the default or --duplicate mode. * Windows: Fix bug in dropping an annexed file, which caused a symlink to be staged that contained backslashes. * webapp: Fix reversion in opening webapp when starting it manually inside a repository. * assistant: Improve sanity check for control characters when pairing. * Improve race recovery code when committing to git-annex branch. * addurl: Avoid crash if quvi is not installed, when git-annex was built with process-1.2 * bittorrent: Fix mojibake introduced in parsing arai2c progress output. * fsck --from: If a download from a remote fails, propagate the failure. * metadata: When setting metadata, do not recurse into directories by default, since that can be surprising behavior and difficult to recover from. The old behavior is available by using --force. * sync, assistant: Include repository name in head branch commit message. * The ssh-options git config is now used by gcrypt, rsync, and ddar special remotes that use ssh as a transport. * sync, assistant: Use the ssh-options git config when doing git pull and push. * remotedaemon: Use the ssh-options git config. * Linux standalone: Improved process names of linker shimmed programs."""]]