[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkC0W3ZQERUaTkHoks6k68Tsp1tz510nGo" nickname="Georg" subject="drop only files located in archive" date="2013-10-08T17:53:08Z" content=""" Is there a way to drop only the files that are located in an \"archive\" directory? I want to drop all files when calling git annex drop --auto if I move them to the archive. But I want to keep the files that are outside of the archive, even if they are already present in other repos. As far as I have seen and tested, as soon as I have the files in an other repo all files get dropped, also the ones outside the archive directory. Or do I have to increase \"numcopies\" in order to circumvent the \"(not copies=semitrusted+:1)\" case? """]]